Thursday, October 1, 2009

October already?!

Where does the time go? When I was young (and knew everything) I used to get amused by old folks who would make comments like that. Now that I am middle age (see, I am going to live to be 120-130 or so), I am beginning to understand better why they made comments like that. It seems to me like months go past as quickly as weeks these days. I reckon the best thing about that is that before we know it this life will be over and, through faith, we will be in Heaven with God!

From what the weather reporter said last night, it looks like the Midwest is going to be in for some rumbly, stormy Fall thunderstorms later today. If you are in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas or Texas, look out!

Yesterday was a pretty normal day in the office...finishing my sermon and PowerPoint for Sunday morning, planning an outreach for a special day (Meet Our New Preacher) we will have at church in November, and preparing for Wednesday night Bible class where we are studying Dr. Neil Lightfoot's book, How We Got The Bible. This is an excellent resource. If you do not have it, you may want to get it. It is available on for less than $10. In the afternoon I enjoyed my regular 4 mile exercise out at Lion's Park. It's nice to be able to go outside again but I miss the weight lifting part of my exercise. A friend told me about using a kettle ball so I'm going to look into that. The church does a neat thing on Wednesday evenings. Various members rotate the task of preparing a meal which is primarily for the teenagers but everyone is invited to come. It is served at 6 p.m. and provides an excellent time for fellowship and interaction amongst the older and younger folk.

Merilyn and Sarah are planing to come down for a visit this weekend. I am really looking forward to that. We will enjoy watching the Arkansas Razorbacks and Texas Aggies football game on Saturday evening. Have a good, safe and blessed weekend and Sunday!

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. (Romans 15:13)

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