Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Can It Get Any Better?

The OU Schooner as it passed by us.
Merilyn is not too sure about this fried delicacy; I don't know if it is the fried Oreo or the fried Moon Pie.
BEVO, the Texas mascot, on the field of the Cotton Bowl
Merilyn, Sarah & Blake checking out the Cotton Bowl
Texas coach Mack Brown in the team bus telling Sarah that he won't come out.
Merilyn and the Texas band marching past.
Sarah & Blake with the OU equipment truck
More crowds! Wall-to-wall people everywhere!
Blake & Sarah trying some fried Oreos.
Watching the game on the big screen.

The weather for the past several days has been just about perfect. Yesterday was another day of gorgeous blue skies, temperature about 75, low humidity, and a light breeze blowing. I looked forward all day to my exercise time. It did not disappoint. A few weeks ago, I would be drenched with sweat after exercising. Yesterday I didn't even sweat enough to get my shirt wet.
Here's some more news from the State Fair of Texas. The Dallas Morning News reported that Saturday had the biggest one-day revenue in the 123 year history of the SFOT at $3.4 million. Let me see if I can get some of my pictures to import into the blog. Well, I figured that the pictures would load underneath but they went to the top. No big deal. Hope you enjoy them!
Have a good day today!

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