Monday, October 5, 2009

Excellent weekend and Sunday!

Friday got the weekend started in fantastic fashion. The weather was about as nice as you could imagine...brilliant blue sky, cool, low humidity and a nice breeze. I was able to open up my apartment for most of the day while I did a top-to-bottom cleaning in preparation for Merilyn and Sarah coming to visit. The airing out finally seemed to get rid of lingering odors left by the previous tenants and everything came out spic-and-span. It's not like I live like a slob when I am here by myself but I do have to admit that I may not be quite as careful to keep everything ship shape. In the afternoon I enjoyed a great 4 mile run/jog/walk at one of the local parks. The temperature was so mild and humidity so low that I barely broke a sweat the whole time. Perfect!
I got my supper, got cleaned up and began to anxiously await the arrival of my girls from Arkansas. They were able to get away shortly after 1 p.m. so I was expecting them around 7:30. I knew they would have to make more stops than usual to let the dogs out and for Sarah to stop at Jack In The Box (she's looney about their tacos). They did not have any huge problems but they ran into a traffic jam around Atoka, OK in a construction area and again when they got into north Dallas so it was about 9 p.m. when they arrived. We didn't do anything big while they were here...just went over to Waxahachie for a bit of shopping, toured around Ennis and fixed up a nice chicken fajita supper to enjoy while we watched the Arkansas vs. Texas A & M football game on Saturday night. The Hogs won, 47-19. Of course, all the Arkansas folks were rejoicing but I felt bad for the Aggie fans, especially since Adam is such a big Aggie fan. Hopefully, both teams will go on to better things from here.
Beginning about mid-afternoon Saturday, the rains began again in our area. From then until Sunday morning, we got about 1 1/2 inches and it was pouring during the Bible class and worship times. Our numbers were down a bit on Sunday but it was surely good to have Merilyn and Sarah here. Also we had the great surprise of a visit from our dear friends, Bill and Joyce Davenport, from Alvin, Texas. They were in Dallas for a wedding on Saturday, stayed the night and come to worship with us Sunday morning. They also took us out for lunch to a nice Italian Restaurant here in town. Even though the weather was dreary, it was a great morning. Merilyn and Sarah got away about 1:30 p.m. and arrived back in Springdale around 8 p.m.
The rest of the day went well for me. A group of us gathered at one of the member's homes in the afternoon for a prayer meeting for several who are battling cancer. The evening worship time went well and I believe the members are getting excited as we approach the first of several special events we have planned over the next 6 months.
It looks like we are in for a whole week of gray, rainy weather in this part of the world but I know it's all part of God's plan to refresh and replenish the earth so I am grateful for it. When you can grow in your faith and trust in God and then develop a heart of gratitude and genuine appreciation for the blessings you have from God, it helps tremendously to enable you to be happy, to be satisfied, and to deal with the challenges and difficulties that life inevitably brings your way. Have a wonderful day in the Lord today!

I rejoice in the Lord greatly that now at length you have revived your concern for me; you were indeed concerned for me, but you had no opportunity. Not that I complain of want; for I have learned, in whatever state I am, to be content. I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound; in any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and want. I can do all things in Him who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:10-13)

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