Thursday, September 3, 2009

More eating

After what I wrote yesterday I thought to myself, "I've got to start watching what I eat more carefully." Well, that didn't last too long. Let me explain why. On Sunday I met a couple who were church visiting for the first time. They moved here from southern California a few years ago after he retired from Lockheed Martin and she retired from writing government defense contracts. Their visit was the first time they had ever been in a worship assembly for the church. I called them on Tuesday to see if I could come to their home for a visit. They were very receptive to the idea but she explained that she was having elbow surgery on Thursday (today) so I suggested that I would call one day next week to see about setting a time. She called back and asked if I could come on Wednesday evening. I told her we had Bible class at 7 p.m. but I could come before or after. She said her husband got home at 6:15 and asked if I could come then so we agreed on that. As the afternoon progressed I decided to go out around 3:30 for my exercise so I would have time to get my workout, cool down, shower and have supper before the appointment. Everything worked out according to plan. I enjoyed some excellent leftovers of grilled pork chop, a nice serving of mashed potatoes, and some of the green bean/tomato/artichoke dish that Adam sent home with me last Saturday. Soon after I arrived at the couple's home she said, "I bet you didn't even have time to eat so I have fixed us some sandwiches and chips for supper." What could I say? We all sat down and I had my second supper of the evening. We enjoyed a great visit. They have indicated interest in private Bible study as well as continuing to visit with us so I have high hopes that they will become members of the church. After leaving them, I went immediately to our Family Life Center because were having the annual event of a Back-To-School-Bash ice cream supper for our students. It was an excellent event. Of course, as soon as I arrived, people were pushing me toward the line where those serving kept saying, "Here, have some of this," and "You've got to try this." It was all good, but I was starting to experience caloric overload!

Maybe I can get back to some semblance of normalcy in my diet today. God bless!

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