Thursday, September 10, 2009

Another day older

How does the old song go? Another day older and deeper in debt? That's probably true for me right now, but God gives so many good blessings all the time that there's no need to be worrying about it. My birthday turned out to be an excellent day with many Facebook greetings, emails and phone calls from family and friends. It was a busy and productive day in the office. At noon, one of our members took me to the Noon Lions Club and I submitted my application to join. Many of the leaders of the community are in the club so it will be a good place to get to know people and be involved in the city. I went out for my afternoon exercise to the Lions Club Park, a fairly new project that is a great addition to the community. There is a 1/2 mile walking/jogging trail around a small lake with birds, turtles and other stuff to look at while exercising. It was good , but still hot! It was 95 while I was out there, which is borderline for me to go outside. In the evening I had supper with the youth group at church. During the school year the youth workers provide a meal for the group before Wednesday night Bible study. They sang "Happy Birthday" to me and we enjoyed the time together. After a good adult Bible class where I began teaching on the subject "How We Got The Bible," I had an excellent meeting with the elders as we are making plans for some special events in the next 6-8 months and discussing how we can continue the good progress that is happening.
God continues to bless us abundantly. Focus your heart and mind on the good things, not the bad. Count your blessings, not your troubles. Have a great day!

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