Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Ever wonder what a preacher does on Monday?

Yesterday was a full day. Here is rundown of my activities for the day:
  • Arrived at the office at 7:30 a.m.; logged onto computer and wrote blog
  • Reviewed visitor cards from Sunday morning and other paperwork on desk and set list of things to do for the day; asked secretary to send welcome letters to visitors
  • Reviewed and wrote email
  • Visited with various folks who came into office throughout the day
  • Began sermon preparation for next Sunday
  • Made phone calls to Arkansas to try to take care of tires for Merilyn's car and ask for help from friends to see after the lawn and check out inoperable lawnmower
  • Continue unpacking and arranging office
  • Go to lunch then to post office to get church mail and to Wal-Mart to exchange curtains for apartment
  • Work on church bulletin ideas and content
  • Visit with a lady asking for benevolent help and make arrangements to get her some food
  • Begin figuring out how to deal with people who are dumping their junk at a Medina Children's Home donation box at the back of the church parking lot
  • Go to one of the elder's home to use their treadmill for my after work exercise
  • Back to the apartment to shower and get ready for the evening activities
  • Go to the home of one of the couples from church for supper and then go with them to visit another family who has been visiting at church
  • Back to the couple's home for more conversation and visiting; really interesting as the husband has a family Bible that traces ancestors back to 1792
  • Back to my apartment around 9 p.m. to catch the last of Monday Night Football, read newspaper, talk to family on the phone and get ready for bed

This is not what happens every day in the office, but it is pretty close. The life of a minister is quite a bit busier than lots of people think it is, but I know that is true for most people and the everyday activities in their careers. I am grateful to be able to work as a minister in the Lord's church. There is nothing else I would rather do.

Thanks for reading. Leave a comment any time you would like. God bless you today!

Never let adversity get you down...except on your knees. (Author unknown)

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