Monday, December 7, 2009

Winter already?

I know the calendar does not say so yet, but it is sure feeling like old man winter has descended upon the southland of the U.S. Since last Thursday the high temperatures in the Ennis area have not gotten out of the 40's. One night the low temp was in the mid 20's and most other nights have been around freezing. From what Merilyn tells me, it's been quite a bit colder up in Springdale. Low temps have been in the teens already. Like one of the Dallas weather reporters said a few nights ago, this is the kind of weather that would usually be expected in January or February rather than in early December. It must be global warming, don't you think?
There was some amazing football action over the weekend and Sunday. In between doing my chores on Saturday--I clean up my apartment every two weeks whether it needs it or not--I got to watch parts of several games. The Pitt vs. Cincinnati game was a barn burner! It was almost unbelievable to see how Alabama manhandled Florida. Arizona put a whipping on Southern California. (When our family visited relatives in southern California back in the late 1990's, the husband on one of my cousins took us out sight-seeing. Adam and Sarah wanted to see the UCLA and USC campuses. When we went to USC, he said, "You know what USC stands for, don't you?" According to him it stands for University of Spoiled Children. Back to football.) The Texas vs. Nebraska game was a surprise. I thought Texas would dominate the game but Nebraska's defense nearly shut the Longhorns down. Texas was lucky to escape with the last second win. On the pro side, Indianapolis handled Tennessee without too much trouble, staying undefeated for the season. New Orleans almost got smacked down by the Redskins but they were able to rally for a last minute win, staying undefeated. One commentator said this is the first time in NFL history that two teams are undefeated at this point in the season. I was looking forward to the Minnesota vs. Arizona game last night but it was a little disappointing as Arizona was in control from start to finish. It seemed like Favre and the Vikings just could not get it going like they usually do. I will not charge you any extra this week for the football report.
We had good Bible study and worship times at church yesterday. Attendance is slowly but surely climbing. Our elder who takes care of finances reported that for the past two months we are meeting our weekly budget, which is the first time that has happened in quite a while. The members of the congregation are learning to be optimistic and enthusiastic again, enjoying the great blessings of being children of God and seeking to share that with others. I'm grateful for the opportunity to help in that process through my teaching and preaching.
Even though the weather may be gray and dreary, look up, see the Son, and be encouraged. Have a good day!

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (John 8:12)

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