Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Perspective changer

Yesterday I had one of those experiences that make you stop to think about your life and help you to realize how good you have it. You might call it a perspective changer. One of the elders, Bob, the farm operator, came by my office just to say hello and visit a minute. I asked what he was doing since it is a bit unusual to see him in 8,000 acre farm tends to keep him fairly busy. He said he was going around to visit widows and shut-ins and take them some new crop pecans. He had been out to one of the nursing homes to see our 98 year old lady member who recently went to the home for follow up care after a stay in the hospital. When I mentioned that I was planning to go out to see her, he asked me if I had ever heard of a man named Michael D. I had not. Bob said he was a member of the church from Bardwell and asked that I stop to see him when I went to the nursing home. Upon arrival at the home, I went to our lady's room. She was asleep so I did not disturb her. Then I went to find Mike. I found him lying in his bed, awake, just looking at the ceiling. My guess is that Mike is in his early to mid-50's. Bob had explained to me that Mike had a severe stroke several years ago, leaving him totally incapacitated. But his mind is still good and he is able to speak and to communicate with no apparent difficulty. He is a congenial fellow and I enjoyed a nice visit with him. He talked some about his stroke, which came upon him with no warning at all, and how it has left him in the state he is. Before I left we had a prayer together and he kind of choked up as he thanked me for coming to see him. As I was visiting with him and after I left, I could not help thinking about how it would be to be in his life situation. It made me stop and thank God that I have the ability to get up and walk and use the other motor skills of my body normally. Once again--as happens from time to time throughout the course of life--here is an experience that helps me to stop and be thankful for the multitude of blessings that I have rather than bemoaning my life situation and wishing that things were different.
All of us have struggles and difficulties as we go through our lives. It seems to be part of our human nature that we tend to focus on the negatives and allow them to dominate our hearts and minds. Instead, deliberately choose to focus on the positives and the blessings that you have. Be grateful to God. Strive to do your best in all that you do with the guidance of faith. Then you will find joy, peace, and contentment. Even in the midst of life's challenges and difficulties, God has blessed you...realize it, be faithful to Him, and be glad. Have a good day!

"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let all men know your forbearance. The Lord is at hand. Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God which passes all understanding will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:4-7

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