Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Brrrrr, it's cold!

This morning I found it especially hard to roll out of the bed. After I got up and looked at the thermostat, I understood why. It was 60 degrees in the apartment! During the night I had gotten cold and pulled up all the covers on the bed, which is unusual for me. I was all warm and snuggly in there so it was hard to roll out into the frigid apartment. The problem is that I have not yet learned how to properly set the thermostat. I'm going to have to learn quickly, though, because the weather reporter last night claimed that we could have snow flurries or a wintry mix by tomorrow and the low on Thursday is supposed to be in the upper 20's. But when I was in Arkansas last weekend their weather report was for several days of low temperatures in the lower 20's and I think I remember that the high temperature on Thursday is supposed to be below freezing in northwest Arkansas. All you who live up there be sure to bundle up!
Several folks have asked me recently about my hamstring injury. It is definitely doing better. I missed a couple of exercise sessions when we were traveling during the Thanksgiving holiday. That was probably not such a bad thing to have the extra rest. I got to go out yesterday afternoon to the Lion's Park here in Ennis. It was a beautiful afternoon; a little chilly so I wore my hooded sweat top but I was still able to go in shorts. The hamstring muscle is still just a little bit sore but there is no real pain. I will stick to jogging and fast walking for another 3-4 weeks to make sure it has time to heal properly before I start trying to work back into the sprinting segments. I've got to keep up the sprinting, though. Not long ago, I told the folks here at church about a piece I saw in Ripley's Believe It Or Not. It was about a fellow up north who set a world record for the 100 yard dash...his time was 43 seconds flat...but he was 100 years old! It is my plan to break his record so that's why I've got to keep up the training; it's only 44 years away!
Have a great day today!

A cheerful heart is a good medicine... (Proverbs 17:22)

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