Monday, November 16, 2009

A normal weekend

I really don't have any excellent events or great news to share today. After last weekend and all the wonderful things that happened, this weekend was all about returning to normal. On Friday I spent several hours studying at the local library. It would seem to me that folks would realize that cell phones do not fit into proper library etiquette. While I was there, no fewer than three people had phones go off and then carried on a conversation. I say they "went off" instead of ringing because they all had obnoxious musical blasts. After the library I went out for my exercise at the park. That is always a nice experience. I need to take a few pictures of the park and post them so you can see what it's like. Although it's feeling better, I'm still having to nurse my pulled hamstring quite a bit but at least I can go out for fast walking and light jogging. After the afternoon exercise, I stopped at a local car wash to get the first few layers of dirt off the car and then Friday evening was laundry time. On Saturday morning I went over to Ft. Worth to take care of some business. While the car was sitting in a parking lot, several birds (or one with some gastrointestinal trouble) left deposits on the hood. When I returned to Ennis, it was time to run to the grocery store, clean up the apartment, and watch some football. Sunday was a good day. Again, nothing remarkable, but a good day. Our attendance at church was up a little and many of our members shared positive reports from their friends and neighbors who had visited with us last Sunday.

Like I say in the title of the post, pretty much a normal weekend. Fortunately for the majority of us who live in the United States, life is filled with normal days. Days when there are no major catastrophes. Days when we are not bothered by the threat of violence or war. Days when we have plenty of good food to eat, an abundance of creature comforts, and enjoy the blessing of being able to communicate with family and friends. It is especially nice when we have extraordinary days which come into our lives. When that happens for you, enjoy them to the fullest. In addition, always be aware of the blessings of the ordinary days and be truly grateful for them. Enjoy the blessings of God for your life today!

There is great gain in godliness with contentment; for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world; but if we have food and clothing, with these we shall be content. (1 Timothy 6:6-8)

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