Thursday, November 5, 2009

Did you miss me?

Be honest, now. How many of you missed seeing my blog yesterday? I sat at the computer for 15-20 minutes and seemed to have a case of writer's block so I finally just let it go and went on with the the rest of the day. That happens sometimes, I guess.
Did anybody see the New York Yankees win the World Series last night? It seems that there has been a huge lack of interest in this particular World Series. Maybe it's because both teams are from the New England area. I'm kind of wondering what they are doing playing baseball in November anyway. Aren't the players of baseball called "the boys of summer?" Summer was over nearly two months ago!
Yesterday was another gorgeous autumn day here. I was truly enjoying my exercise time in the afternoon when I had something happen to me that I've never experienced before in nearly thirty years of jogging and running. I pulled a hamstring while I was doing one of my sprint segments. It doesn't seem terribly bad. I visited with my doctor friend at church about it last night and he said to just take it easy for a while. I hope it won't sideline me very long because this is one of the best times of the year for outdoor exercise.
This is Arkansas weekend for me. I will leave to go back to Springdale this morning to have some time with Merilyn and to meet with my Thursday night Bible study group before returning to Texas on Saturday afternoon. Merilyn called me early this morning to say that her back and legs were really hurting. She's been bothered by that for some time now. I've encouraged her to go see our chiropractor before but she hasn't yet. I will see him in the morning and she asked me to see if there was an appointment for tomorrow afternoon. Maybe she can get in and get some relief.
There are loose ends to tie up before I can hit the road. We're looking forward to a big day here at the church in Ennis this Sunday. I'll give a report first thing Monday morning. Have a good weekend!

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