Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Electric blanket time!

I've been trying to tough it out, but last night I gave in and put the electric blanket on my bed. One time when I was home a month or so ago, Merilyn had been cleaning out some cabinets in the laundry room and came across this older blanket. We thought about putting it in a garage sale, but then she suggested that I bring it back to Texas with me. What a good wife! I wasn't really sure that I would need it. At least one thing I have learned after 35 years of being married to Merilyn is that I need to pay better attention to her thoughts and suggestions. When the weather reporter was talking about lows in the upper 20's and lower 30's, that was all I needed to make the decision to install the electric blanket. Whoever invented the electric blanket is a wonderful person! It is so nice to crawl into a nice, warm bed instead of one that is chilly. Our lives are filled with modern conveniences which people a hundred years ago would have never believed possible. It is a blessing to be living in America in 2009! Have a good day today!

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