Thursday, February 25, 2010

Snow, colds, and travel

There was another blast of winter through the middle and southern parts of Texas on Tuesday. Here in Ennis the total was around 1 1/2-2" but there was even more further south. Adam told me that they got around 3" in College Station. It was beautiful while it fell. The best thing was that it did not cause any troubles on the roadways and by noon Wednesday it was all gone. The weather reporter last night was saying that this is the coldest winter in the Dallas area for at least the past ten years. He said there is another chance for a winter mix of precipitation next Monday. That global warming is a real problem, isn't it?
I'm glad to report that my cold seems to be running its course. It started last Thursday, the worst days were Saturday-Sunday-Monday, and it is just about gone. It was a booger! That's the worst cold I've had in a long time. Last year I started using a Neti pot and sinus rinse device for nasal irrigation. During this cold, I used the sinus rinse twice a day. I'm convinced it is what helped me avoid a sinus infection by helping me keep the sinuses cleared out and open to drain. I went through a couple of boxes of Kleenex, but that's a small price to pay. One nice thing about the cold is that the ladies of the church made me some great homemade soups. One made chicken & rice, one made chicken vegetable and one made beef stew with cornbread. I may have to consider getting sick more often!
Today is my day to go back to Springdale for a visit with Merilyn and to be with my Bible study group. It is amazing to me when I consider that here I sit nearly 400 miles away in the morning and by late this afternoon I will be able to be there. If I went out to D/FW airport and hopped a jet this morning, I could be just about anywhere over North or South America by this evening. Just 3 or 4 generations back, our ancestors would have had to travel for days or weeks to make such a trip. Not only that, I can use my cell phone to talk to anyone I want while I drive along. I can tune my radio to listen to dozens of different programs. We live in an incredible age of mankind. But always matter how far mankind seems to be advancing, we always need to stay humble and keep God as the top priority of our lives. God bless!

Therefore do not be anxious, saying, "What shall we eat?" or "What shall we drink?" or "What shall we wear?" For the Gentiles seek all these things; and your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be yours as well. (Matthew 6:31-33)

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