Monday, February 22, 2010

Caught by a cold!

I guess I haven't been running fast enough lately. A cold virus somehow caught up with me last week and I've been fighting a stuffy head, runny nose, cough and body aches for the past few days. Fortunately, it is easing up and I think it will run its course in the next few days. The worst thing about it is that I was feeling puny while Merilyn was here for a visit. But it did not slow us down too much. We still got to get out and about some. I was able to do all my preaching and teaching yesterday and we enjoyed a good time with the church folks. She stayed over until this morning and is on her way back to Springdale.
Since I'm still not feeling too spiffy, I'm going to have a short message for this entry. Hope all of you are well and can stay that way. It's no fun being sick! God bless!

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