Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring is here?

While the calendar says Spring, it surely has not felt like it for the past few days! This has been quite the freak blast of winter, hasn't it? Last Thursday and Friday here in north Texas the temperatures were in the mid-60's with sunshine. Then that cold front came through on Friday night and into Saturday. We even had snow on the ground Sunday morning when I went to church. It was only 1/2" or so, but areas just to the north of Dallas got as much as 6-8". Of course, that's nothing compared to what northwest Arkansas got. Merilyn told me there was at least a foot of snow on the ground. Last night I went to eat at Whattaburger with some folks from church and saw a report on a TV they had tuned to the Weather Channel. Lo and behold, they had a weather reporter from Fayetteville! He said they had 13.5" on the ground so it must have been close to that in Springdale. The good thing is that it is supposed to warm up pretty quickly so there should not be huge problems with this snowfall.
I got to go to College Station this past weekend and spend a couple of nights with Adam. It's always good to be together. He was off work for a day or two since the students were out of school for Spring Break. He cooked us out some steaks one night and we spent a lot of time watching the March Madness NCAA basketball games. Boy, some of them were madness! Lots of top seeds went down, including the #1 ranked team in the country, Kansas. That loss was particularly hard for my son-in-law and daughter. They are both rabid KU fans. The losses of highly ranked teams has completely blown up my bracket picks, but I've got lots of company.
Merilyn is going to central Arkansas this week to spend some time with her Dad as he is going to be having hip replacement surgery soon. I think she may be going to spend a night with Mom in Russellville, too. This is my week to go to Springdale so she is planning to be back home by Thursday. She's going to be doing a lot of traveling for Spring Break.
Everyone's doing well, staying healthy, and plugging along. We've got lots of blessings for which to be thankful. Hope everyone has a good week. God bless!

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