Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Old Man Winter Is Still Around!

The nice weather of the past few weeks just about had me convinced that winter had moved on for this year. Now it appears that the midsection of the nation is going to get blasted again. The last report I saw is predicting 4-8" of freezing rain, sleet and snow for northwest Arkansas starting Thursday afternoon and into Friday morning. Then the temperature is supposed to bottom out in the mid single digits! Brrrrr! This is my weekend to go home,too. With the unpredictable nature of winter precipitation, I am giving strong consideration to leaving after Bible study tonight and driving home rather than waiting for tomorrow. If I can get away around 8 p.m., I can be home by 2 a.m. and I think I would prefer to do that instead of getting caught in icy conditions through the hills of I-540 between Alma and Springdale on Thursday. The Dallas area is going to get a blast of cold this weekend as well, although not as frigid as northwest Arkansas. They are even calling for the possibility of snow or ice on Friday morning. The nice thing for both areas is that the bad cold is not going to last very long. A warm-up is supposed to begin on Saturday.
College basketball is getting more interesting. Two #1 teams in the nation have been beaten in the past two weeks: Texas last week and then Kentucky last night. I had not heard about the player named Downey on South Carolina's team which beat Kentucky last night. That youngster is amazing! He is 5'9" but he was dominating the court with his ball handling skills, point production and even rebounding. If you get a chance to watch a South Carolina game, watch him. It's good entertainment.
Everybody try to stay warm and have a good weekend! God bless!

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