Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Remarkable events of recent days

The news out of Haiti is just mind-boggling. The latest estimate I've heard is around 200,000 people dead and 250,000 seriously injured. The way they are having to dispose of many of the dead reminds me of what I've read about "death wagons" during the years of the bubonic plague in Europe where they would go through the streets and stack bodies on the wagons to take them out for mass burial. I've seen pictures of dump trucks doing the same thing in Haiti. So sad. There are lots of good relief agencies trying to help. If you would like to know of relief agencies who are affiliated with the church, go to and you can find some there.

The election of a new senator in Massachusetts is creating a lot of excitement--and consternation--among various groups in America right now. I'm not sure of all of the messages being sent with this election of a Republican in a historically Democratic stronghold, but there are certainly some strong sentiments being expressed. I hope those in the seats of authority are listening to the people.

On a lighter note, it was good to see the Arkansas Razorbacks get a win on the basketball floor against Alabama last Saturday. Also, the Texas A & M Aggies beat the Oklahoma Sooners last night. This made my son, Adam, happy. He was also glad to see the Kansas State team knock off the Texas Longhorns Monday night, especially since the Aggies just barely got beat by the Longhorns in overtime last Saturday. In the football realm, the Cowboy nation has been embarrassed by the smackdown in Minnesota on Sunday; but, there's always next year, right? The games to come should be good ones: NY Jets vs. Indianapolis Colts and New Orleans Saints vs. Minnesota Vikings. I predict New Orleans vs. Indianapolis in the Super Bowl on February 7 with New Orleans coming away with the win.

I hope everyone has an excellent day today. Be grateful for your blessings. Pray for the people of Haiti. Pray for our nation and our elected officials. God is still in control and He will bless His people!

"First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way." (1 Timothy 2:1-2)

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