Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Welcome to my world!

This is my first try at blogging, but so far I am finding it is so easy that a caveman could do it! (Maybe GEICO will send me a royalty check!) My idea with this is to be able to have an easy way to allow family and friends to keep up with what's going on with Merilyn, the kids and me as we make the transitions that have become our lot over the past year or so. Of course, I am speaking primarily about transition(s) involved in my job change and me moving to Texas while Merilyn stays behind in Arkansas waiting for our house to sell. While we may not always understand the things that are happening to us right now, we are confident that God has a plan for us and that He will always give us the guidance and blessings we need. He always has and I know that He always will. In the meantime, we will have to try to figure out what good lessons we can learn from all this stuff!
I will have lots more to say in the next post to catch up for the past few weeks that I have been in Ennis. Thanks for reading. God bless!

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