Thursday, August 27, 2009

A break!

Woo-hoo! It seems that the scorching heat is going away for a little while at least. The temps were still in the low 100's yesterday but a cool front has moved through overnight so there is a decent chance of rain today and the temps for the next week are supposed to be in the high 80's and low 90's. I may have to find a sweater!

Today is unpacking day for me in the office. Since last Saturday when Adam came up to help me unload, all my books and office stuff have been sitting right where we put them. My goal is to get it mostly, if not totally, put up and the office arranged in a respectible fashion.

Speaking of Adam, I am excited to be able to go down to visit with him this weekend. I will leave after work today and get there in time for us to have supper together. It's just about a two hour drive from Ennis to Aggieland. In Texas, that is hardly any distance at all. Now if I can find one of those folks who drive 90-100 mph on the freeway, I could get behind them and get there even sooner! (Just kidding!) Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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