There was nothing to indicate that yesterday morning was going to be different from any other Sunday morning. Everything was going according to plan. Bible class started with a larger than normal attendance which was nice. Then about halfway through class, the side door opened and in walked Bill and Judy Penick, a couple of our friends from the church in Springdale! That was a great surprise. They were in Ft. Worth taking care of some business and decided since they were this close they would come over for a visit. They stayed for worship and took me out to lunch. We had an excellent visit. They were very complimentary of the church family here and how friendly everyone is. It was great to see them and to enjoy another nice surprise from home. By the way, Merilyn knew about this one, too!
My elders are graciously allowing me to leave today to go home for the Thanksgiving holiday so I can spend as much time with Merilyn as possible. We will get to go to Cabot to stay with her Dad, A.C., on Wednesday night and have Thanksgiving lunch in North Little Rock with aunt Joyce and her bunch. Then we will go to Russellville to have Thanksgiving supper with my Mom and my side of the family and spend the night with her. It's going to be an excellent week!
There is good news to report from the football fields from the weekend. The Razorbacks, the Aggies and the Cowboys all won their games on Saturday and Sunday. The biggest football shocker for me was the Texas Tech-Oklahoma game which Tech won 55-21. The Sooners are reeling right now. They are Blake's favorite team and he was saying they have lost 6-7 starters to injury this year, including Sam Bradford, their Heisman winning quarterback. It's been a tough year for the Sooner nation.
I am going to wrap this up so I can get the things done that have to be done before I leave for Arkansas. It will probably be next Monday before I have another post. There's just one more thing to say before I go: Look at the graphic at the top of the page...I meant for it to go here but the pictures have a mind of their own when I load them. Anyway, have a Happy Thanksgiving! I hope each one gets to spend some quality time with your family and friends. Remember to pray for our military folks who cannot be with their loved ones. Always be grateful to God for the abundant blessings which He gives. Have a great week!
"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
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