Even though I have seen the beauty of the fall season in the Ozarks many times, it never fails to amaze me again at just how spectacular it is. The pictures will give just a little bit of an idea how pretty it is but it is difficult to capture the splendor of a huge panorama of hills blazing with fall colors.
This trip back home to see Merilyn, Sarah, Blake and many friends was a great blessing for me in many ways. First, I got to meet with my Thursday night Bible study group. This is always such a boost for me to be with these fellow Christians who are so eager to study the Scriptures. After the study one of the couples invited Merilyn and me to go with them for supper on Friday evening and then to a performance of Riverdance at the Walton Arts Center in Fayetteville. It was so much fun to enjoy an evening like that together. We had supper at Bordino's Restaurant, an upscale establishment on Dickson Street in Fayetteville. Then we walked down the several blocks to the theater. At the performance we also saw several other Christian friends, which made the evening even better. The Riverdance show is just amazing. The dancers are almost unbelievable in their abilities to move their feet with such speed and precision. We are equally as impressed with the four musicians who provided all of the accompaniment to every part of the show. Their sound filled the auditorium as if there was a 50-piece orchestra. I think the musicians got about as much of a workout as the dancers did, especially the drummer. It was a wonderful evening all the way around.
On Saturday morning Merilyn and I drove around northwest Arkansas to enjoy the glories of God's creation in the changing seasons. It was a gorgeous day and so good to be able to spend that time together. Sarah and Chloe, her little Maltese, came over around lunch time to visit. We always have fun watching Chloe and Mollie play together. They are just like a couple of kids.
My drive back to Ennis was nice and uneventful. With the sunshine, it seemed that the colors on the hills were even more brilliant. I almost ran off the road once or twice while engrossed in looking at the hillsides.
Sunday was an excellent day, as usual, just because of the privilege of gathering with fellow Christians to worship. This Sunday was even better because my mother was here for a visit. At the West Side church in Russellville, Arkansas she has a good friend whose sister is a member of the church in Ennis. She was coming to visit her sister for her birthday so Mom and another lady friend of theirs came along for the trip. It was so good to see her and enjoy the Bible class and worship time and then lunch together. I took Mom on a tour of my office and then over the my apartment. I think it helped her to see that my work and living conditions are good. They had a safe return to Arkansas yesterday evening.
Sunday became even more excellent in our evening worship time when I had the privilege of baptizing one of our teen young ladies. She is a sweet girl and was overjoyed to the point of tears at becoming a Christian. She and her family were thanking me profusely but I told them it was an honor for me to be able to help in that way and that is what it's all about...helping save souls for the Lord.
We're getting off to another rainy start this Monday morning in north Texas, but we can always have the sunshine of God's love in our hearts. Hope you have a good day today!
For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake. For it is the God who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
(2 Corinthians 4:5-6)
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