Monday, April 19, 2010

Bluebonnets Are Here!

As you can see, the bluebonnets have arrived on the bluebonnet trail in Ennis, Texas. This past weekend was the Annual Bluebonnet Festival in Ennis and there were thousands of extra people in town. Unfortunately, the weather was not the best (the NASCAR races up in Ft. Worth were canceled on Saturday and Sunday), and folks tell me the bluebonnets are not as nice as in some years but they are still beautiful. I'm not sure what the orange flowers are. Their structure is almost like a bluebonnet. They may be what I've heard called "Indian paintbrush." Most of these pictures are from a place called Sugar Ridge just north of the small town of Bristol. Bristol is about 10 miles northeast of Ennis. The drive out there is an enjoyable ride through the Texas countryside even without the gorgeous wildflowers. By the way, you can click on any of these pictures to get a larger view of them, then you can return to the blog by using your "back" button. The four pictures at the bottom are just about a mile away from the church building on a street going to the local hospital and a couple of schools. That is an intermediate school (5th-6th grades) in the background.
When I was back in Arkansas for a visit last time, I noticed the wild plum trees and red buds were in full bloom, and that the dogwoods were starting to come out. These are all excellent reminders of how much God loves us and of His power in Creation. Enjoy these blessings every day!

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